The history of success
The Interregional Organization “The Federation of the Military Dog training” is the largest dog training association in Russia, which includes five dog handling and training centers in St. Petersburg and two dog training schools in the USA (Los Angeles).
The Unity of the diversity
All the training units of the Federation of the Military dog training work according to the unified methodological standards, in which the practical experience of the K9 services of the special forces of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is organically combined, as well as the author’s methods for the training dog trainers and dog training resulting from more than 20 years of experience work in the field of practical dog training of the founder of the Federation of the Military dog training Maxim Basyro.
In addition, the dog training centers of the Federation of Military Dog Training, that are operating in Russia, have developed the original unified methods of the patriotic education of children and youth, the organization of training and dog handling camps, the holding of specialized seminars, conferences, and multidisciplinary public work in order to improve the overall dog training culture of the population.
Where were you and whom you became?

In 1996, from the youthful enthusiasm of dog training, which was followed by the practical experience of the instructor-dog trainer on the training of service dogs and the personnel of the K9 units of the frontier troops, an impulse was made in order to create the first dog training center – “Ronald” – by Maxim Basyro in St. Petersburg. It was on the basis of the Ronald dog training Center that the work began on the creating of the author programs and techniques that later became the theoretical foundation for the all educational and training processes within the organizational framework of the Federation of the Military Dog Training.
And now – 20 years after the first steps in the path of professional dog training were taken – this framework has been expanded in many times. In 2016, in St. Petersburg, the fifth center of the Federation of Military Dog training was opened with a full range of all specialized dog training services – which has significantly expanded the geography of the project within the borders of the Leningrad region.
The origins of the professionalism
Directly, the Federation of Military Dog Training has been counting its history since 2007. By that time, with the direct participation of Maxim Basyro, as well as the specialists which were attracted by him (including the teachers of the dog handling faculties of the higher educational institutions of the Federal Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs), the unique programs and methods for the specialized courses “Young dog trainer” and “Young Frontier Guard” had already been created the basis for the another author’s development – the test program “Saboteur”, that was designed for the practical tests of the working qualities of the service dogs, with taking into the account the K9 standards of the special divisions of the Ministry of the Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Therefore, it is quite natural that the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “The Role of the Dog training for the Effective Public Security” which organized by Maxim Basyro in the same 2007 was another milestone event in the history of the Federation of Military Dog training. The conference participants were the heads of the K9 divisions of the Interior Ministry departments from the more than 30 regions of Russia. With their direct participation, Maxim Basyro the President of the Interregional Organization of the Federation of the Military Dog training has discussed the methodological training programs on the basis of the Federation of the Military Dog Training, which is specializing in the dog training and young dog trainers.
Another important outcome of this conference was the unanimous approval by its participants of the Concept of the development of the dog training culture as the most important component of the patriotic education of youth.
The training of the dogs for the public safety
One of the applied directions of the activity of the Federation of Military Dog Training for more than 10 years is the training of specialists in K9 security for protected individuals, objects, and territories. The range of services in this area is very wide: from the effective escort of the protected persons through the in-depth special method “Protection dog training” to the K9 protection of the places for the holding the mass events, the large industrial and construction sites, shopping, and entertainment centers.
The most revealing evidence of the quality of these services is the fact that the instructors-dog trainers, which were trained by the Federation of the Military Dog Training since 2011, annually confirm the right to conclude a state contract for the K9 support for the protection of the territory and objects of the passenger bus station of St. Petersburg within the tender.
In the short terms – the participation in the state tenders for the right to provide such kind of K9 servants at a number of life support facilities in the North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation.
The Methods of the Federation of Military dog training – a synthesis of the multifaceted dog training practices
The years of the practical work of electives for young dog trainers, long-term practice of the Federation of Master Dog Training

Dog Training gave the impetus to the theoretical aspects of the dog training: on the basis of the Federation of Military Dog Training, the educational and methodical films “I am my dog trainer” and “Protection dog training” were created. These unique video films allow everyone interested in developing their training skills to work out independently the various techniques of the formation of behavioral reactions of dogs.
By 2010, all the practical and theoretical developments have been successfully applied in all four dog training centers of the Federation of Military Dog Training operating at that time in St. Petersburg. Thus, the Federation of Military Dog Training has come close to another qualitatively new stage of its development.
The International Breakthrough
2010-2011 became the time of the first foreign contacts of Maxim Basyro with like-minded people from Germany and the USA. The results of his participation in the exchange of experience programs with the colleagues from these countries were the opening in 2011 of the first foreign branch of the Federation of Military Dog training – Masterdog Training School in Los Angeles (USA). The training of the instructors-dog trainers and the dog training in the American school was initially carried out with strict observance of corporate standards of the Federation of Military Dog training. This became the main component of “American success”.
The dynamically acquired reputation of the “master” by Maxim Basyro allowed the expanding of the customer base in Los Angeles so much that in 2014 in Beverly Hills he opened the second dog training school Masterdog-Training. To work as instructors in it Maxim Basyro has already been able to attract his most successful “American students” from the first training stream. Thus, the dog training techniques developed by the Federation of Military Dog training developed and practiced in St. Petersburg has been successfully adapted to American realities.
The next stage of the establishment of the Federation of Military Dog Training beyond the ocean was the preparatory work which has began in 2016 with the opening of the Dog Training Academy “5 star K-9 Academy” in the United States in order to train dogs for the special purpose and instructors that will work with them.
The moving to the new milestones
The extensive Russian and foreign training practice of the Federation of Military Dog Training has allowed the structure to rise to a new level of the professional growth. The most noticeable result was the program developed by the group of Methodists of the Federation of Military Dog Training which is headed by Maxim Basyro in 2015 “The higher intellectual development of the dog”. The first dogs prepared according to this program have already been publicly exhibited and received the highest recognition of the leading experts in dog training.
Today, the research and the developments work in the field of dog training has become a separate and most dynamically developing area of activity of the Federation of Military Dog Training. The main emphasis is made on the methods of analyzing the basic physical characteristics of the dog’s vital activity at the time it performs the commands of the dog trainer. The already available developments allow the dog handler better to understand the behavior of dogs, to watch the change in their biometric indicators. What is especially important in training, above all, service dogs, is the performing of the special tasks in the field of security.
These scientific research will make it possible to understand in more detailed way the internal mechanisms of the dog’s response to the natural stimuli, which in turn enables the dog trainers to qualitatively and at the early stages to identify the characteristics of the dog’s character, to take them into account in the training process, and also effectively correct the dog’s performance during the performance her real assignments.
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The expansion of the international contacts of the Federation of Military Dog Training, a lot of letters of thanks on the results of the cooperation in the field of the public safety and awards from the dog shows – these are the current realities of the “Federation of Military Dog Training” as one of the largest and titled dog training organizations in Russia. And these realities are the source of a confident view of the future – in which the Federation of Military Dog Training is determined to ensure the successful development of the accumulated potential for the further dynamic growth.